Committee Member Training Workshops
Currently, the Commission facilitates virtual and face-to-face training workshops for peer evaluators in the following review areas: Unless otherwise noted, evaluator training workshops are “by-invitation only” and only open to individuals who are listed in the SACSCOC Peer Evaluator Registry as evaluators but have no or relatively limited experience in serving on evaluation committees. There […]
Web-Based Training Modules
The following web-based training modules have been developed to help peer review committee members become better equipped to address specific review responsibilities. The modules are especially designed for first-time peer evaluators, but should be beneficial to more experienced reviewers as well. The emphasis is on developing professional judgment and on paying special attention to the […]
Evaluator Training Program
The purpose of the SACSCOC evaluator training program is to ensure credibility, consistency, and confirmability in peer reviews. By participating in various training activities, evaluators learn about the intent and structure of the Principles of Accreditation; develop, calibrate, and apply professional judgment to determine the strength of institutional cases for compliance; and critique and practice drafting […]
Quality Enhancement Plans: Lists and Summaries Since 2007
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a document developed by the institution that (1) includes a process identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment, (2) focuses on learning outcomes and/or the environment supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the institution, (3) demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, […]
Documentation Templates in Preparation for a Substantive Change Committee Visit to an Institution
These forms are for use in providing evidence of continued compliance with the Principles of Accreditation following initiation of an approved substantive change when the approval letter from SACSCOC authorizes a Substantive Change Committee. Please note that each form contains a subset of standards taken from the Principles of Accreditation typically provided to a visiting committee for the type […]
Summer Institute
About the Institute The Summer Institute is designed for participants who are new to accreditation or need a refresher to: The Summer Institute is a curated learning experience comprised of select sessions which participants choose at the time of registration. The “workshop-style” sessions will feature defined learning outcomes, in-depth discussions and activities, and planned pre-readings/assignments […]
Evaluator Resources
The following tools are intended to assist current and future review committee members in the very important work of institutional review. The concept of peer review is a cornerstone of the accreditation process. As such, the Commission relies upon the expertise, experience, and professional judgment of its evaluators to collectively determine member institutions’ compliance with […]
Substantive Changes
Updates and announcements Upcoming dates and deadlines Note: All Substantive Change submissions must be made using the institutional portal. Substantive change policy and related policies Webinars Upcoming webinars: On-demand webinars: Documents and Templates Related pages:
Institutional Resources
This section deals primarily with SACSCOC-accredited institutions seeking reaffirmation of accreditation with the Commission. The Handbook for Institutions Seeking Reaffirmation of Accreditation provides information for institutions undergoing reaffirmation and can be ordered by using the Commission’s Publication Order Form. The “Substantive Change Policy and Procedure” provides information for institutions undergoing a change of a substantive nature as defined […]
Reaffirmation Process
The SACSCOC Board of Trustees conducts several types of institutional reviews: (1) Candidate Committee reviews of institutions seeking candidacy, (2) Accreditation Committee reviews of candidate institutions seeking initial membership, (3) Reaffirmation Committee reviews of member institutions seeking continued accreditation following a comprehensive review, (4) Special Committee reviews of member institutions seeking continued accreditation following evaluation […]