Third Party Comments

Call for Third-Party Comments for Institutions Scheduled for Review in 2025 and 2026.

SACSCOC’s policy, “Third-Party Comment by the Public” (see policy listed below), outlines procedures for public use in the submission of third-party comments by any interested party during the formal scheduled review of the following institutions:

  • Institutions seeking initial accreditation with SACSCOC (current candidates)
  • Institutions seeking reaffirmation of accreditation (continued accreditation) with SACSCOC.

The policy requires appropriate notification and ample opportunity for the institution to respond to third-party comments. The “Third-Party Comment Form” should be completed and submitted to the President of SACSCOC.

For institutions seeking initial accreditation with SACSCOC in 2024.

2024 December Candidates Third Party [PDF] (Added Jul 2024)

For member institutions seeking reaffirmation of accreditation (continued accreditation) with SACSCOC in 2025 and 2026

An institution undergoing reaffirmation of accreditation has its Compliance Certification reviewed by an Off-Site Reaffirmation Committee and, approximately six months later, hosts an On-Site Reaffirmation Committee which issues the final report. The Commission divides each reaffirmation class into two Tracks: Track A denotes institutions that offer only undergraduate degrees; Track B denotes institutions that offer graduate and professional degrees and may also offer undergraduate degrees.

Listed below are the reaffirmation classes for Tracks A and B 2025, and Tracks A and B 2026. The due date for third-party comments is listed at the top of each list. (Please use the “Third-Party Comment Form” when submitting comments.) The specific date will give SACSCOC adequate time to notify the institution regarding any third-party comments and provide the institution ample time to respond in advance of the campus review. Substantive comments regarding the Committee’s findings will be incorporated into the final report of the Committee.

Please refer to the attached lists. Comments should be forwarded to the President of SACSCOC.