Hot Topics Video Series
Welcome to the Hot Topics Video Series!
We have created something new here on our SACSCOC website that we hope will help our institutions, as well as the general public. They are what we call Hot Topics Videos, designed to give you quick access to specific topics that are among the top requests we receive for information here at SACSCOC.
These short videos are packed with information and resources to help you navigate accreditation and things related to the reaffirmation process.
These videos have been prepared by and are the property of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The purpose of the videos is to support the work of SACSCOC accredited institutions and their ongoing compliance with SACSCOC standards and policies. Reproduction, distribution, or transmission of the videos, in part or in whole, outside of professional development purposes within member institutions, is expressly prohibited without prior written consent from SACSCOC. For permission requests, email SACSCOC at
We hope the series will serve as a rich resource that will be most helpful for you. New videos will be added regularly, so we hope you’ll check back periodically for updates. Please look through the topics to find what you need, and as always – let us know how we can better serve you.
Thank you,
Dr. Belle Wheelan
Hot Topics Videos
Title. Institutional Student Achievement and Educational Program Portfolio Websites
Summary. This Hot Topics Video outlines and summarizes member institutions’ obligation to publish a student achievement website related to CR 8.1, Student achievement, and a website that lists all approved educational programs. These websites should be updated regularly, at least annually, to ensure they capture current institutional progress in student achievement and maintain the currency of an institution’s educational program inventory. These websites are communicated to the Commission via the Institutional Portal.