New Trustees Orientation

All new SACSCOC Trustees are required to participate in a day and half-long orientation session that includes a substantial pre-session homework case-study assignment as well as an off-site reaffirmation committee observation component.

The Orientation activities are designed to address the following goals: provide an overview of the role and scope of accreditation within higher education; discuss membership, organization, and decision-making process of the SACSCOC; familiarize Trustees with their roles and responsibilities within SACSCOC; and enhance the Trustee’s capacity to participate effectively and efficiently in the SACSCOC decision-making process. The major focus of the Orientation’s case-study based activity is on the work of the Compliance and Reports (C&R) Committee, standing committee of the SACSCOC Board of Trustees.

For more information about the New Trustees Orientation, please contact Ms. Rosalind Fuse-Hall, Director of Legal and Governmental Affairs, and Commission Support, at or Dr. Alexei G. Matveev, Director of Training and Research, at