Call for Proposals


We are excited to announce the Call for Proposals for our 2024 SACSCOC Annual Meeting. Set against the backdrop of the bustling city of Austin, Texas, we invite you to consider contributing to the conference by submitting a proposal to support our goal to host a pivotal event, igniting discussions, fostering collaboration, and shaping the future of accreditation in higher education institutions.

The theme for this year’s conference, “Deep in the Heart of Texas: Balancing Innovation and Compliance,” encapsulates the current dynamic landscape of accreditation in higher education. Texas, renowned for its spirit of innovation and resilience, serves as the perfect setting to explore the intricate balance between fostering innovation and maintaining compliance with our Principles of Accreditation. This theme invites us to delve deep into the heart of accreditation practices while navigating the evolving terrain where tradition meets transformation, and where compliance is intricately woven with the fabric of innovation.

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, shifting educational paradigms, and heightened accountability, the need to strike a harmonious equilibrium between innovation and compliance has never been more pressing. Our conference aims to unravel this conundrum, offering a platform for thought leaders, practitioners, and visionaries to exchange insights, share best practices, and chart a course toward accreditation excellence in higher education.

We invite you to join us in Austin, Texas, as we embark on this enriching journey of exploration, discovery, and collaboration. Your participation, expertise, and contributions are integral to the success of this conference.  As we prepare to connect with peers in the state where “everything is bigger,” consider submitting a proposal that fits into one of the conference tracks below: 

The Big Deal

This track focuses on the foundational principles and overarching goals of accreditation. We welcome proposals that address fundamental issues, including compliance with accreditation standards, assessment practices, and quality enhancement initiatives.

The Big Challenges and Solutions

This track delves into the challenges facing accreditation and higher education today and the innovative solutions being developed to address them. In this track, we seek proposals that examine these challenges through a lens of innovation and present actionable solutions to address them effectively. Key topics of interest include: campus buy-in, changing accreditors, competing priorities, course scheduling and modalities, dual enrollment, finance, meeting government regulatory requirements, mental health, recruitment and enrollment, student learning outcomes, and the value of higher education.

The Big Trends

This track examines emerging developments and future directions in accreditation and higher education.  We encourage proposals that explore the latest trends shaping accreditation practices, educational delivery models, and student success. A few key topics of interest include: AI, elimination of DEI initiatives, emerging technologies, micro credentials, and prisoner education, but other topics are welcomed.

Please note the following:

  • Proposals are welcomed from SACSCOC member institutions, state higher education system personnel, and experts in their respective fields. 
  • Proposals that include a for-profit company representative as a presenter will not be accepted. Presenters representing for-profit companies should contact the SACSCOC Expo Manager, Christine Fletcher at, for information on how to present a session at the Annual Meeting.
  • If your institution is on sanction following the June 2024 SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting, depending on the Principles cited, you may not be eligible to participate as a presenter.  A SACSCOC Meeting Planning staff member can answer any questions you may have about this.

The 2024 Annual Meeting Program will feature more than 150 different sessions from approved proposal submissions, including poster sessions, group discussions, concurrent sessions, and pre-conference workshops. Consider the appropriate format of your session that will best ensure participants are able to achieve the desired learning outcomes. Below is a description of each session format:

  • Poster sessions feature a visually appealing presentation consisting of results from an adopted initiative or research project that includes implications for a wider audience. These sessions are held during the Opening Reception and last for 30 minutes.
  • Group discussions feature an open discussion between a knowledgeable facilitator and a small group. While the group discussions are 60 minutes, formal presentations will not be considered.
  • Concurrent sessions offer practical applications (what worked and what did not work). It is imperative that the content extend beyond “this is how we did it” to the discussion being generalizable to other institutions. Concurrent sessions are either 60- or 90-minutes long, should contain no more than 5 minutes of introductions/overview, and should include at least 5-10 minutes for questions from the audience. Sessions that warrant 90 minutes must include an active learning component.
  • Pre-Conference Workshops incorporate active learning during sessions led by experienced professionals in full-day (6 hours) and half-day (3 hours) time frames. A schedule of activities to be conducted during the allotted time must be included in the proposal. In addition, the content must include both didactic and applied instruction that is relevant to accreditation and/or the theme. Workshop presenters should be knowledgeable in their fields and capable of presenting the content in creative ways and applying it to real problems in academia.

All proposals should be well developed with thorough responses. Incomplete documentation will not be reviewed.

Proposals will be evaluated on how well the questions below are answered.

  1. Proposal title – Does the title clearly describe the session and enhance interest?
  2. Session description – Does the description coherently and concisely describe what will be covered in the session while piquing the interest of an attendee?
  3. Currency, relevance, and appropriateness of the topic to the theme – Does the proposal make a strong compelling argument for its inclusion in the conference program rather than another proposal on a similar topic? Does it represent a timely topic that is relevant to the field of higher education? Is the topic appropriate for the conference theme?
  4. Organization of session – Is there a well-structured outline with sufficient details about the content to be covered and realistic time frames for each segment of the proposed session?
  5. Participant learning outcomes – Are the participant learning outcomes attainable, address what participants will learn (rather than what the presenter will do), and in alignment with the content of the session outline?
  6. Active learning (Pre-conference workshops and 90-minute concurrent sessions only) – Does the proposal include meaningful activities for participants that appropriately support the participant learning outcomes?
  7. Professionalism – Does the proposal reflect the level of professionalism expected of SACSCOC presenters (well-written and error-free)?
  8. Presenter qualifications – Does the presenter possess the expertise to deliver the proposed session?

In addition to the components of the proposal noted above that will be evaluated, submissions must also provide the items below to better assist attendees with identifying sessions that are most appropriate for them:

Audience Track

Identify whether your proposed session is best suited for any of the select audiences below:

− Accreditation Liaison

− Faculty

− Between Reaffirmation Years

− Finance Officers

− First-time Attendee

− Senior Leadership

− Student Services

Audience Institution Level

Please keep in mind whether your content can be easily adapted by institutions from a different level than your institution. Select the institution level(s) that will benefit most from your proposed session.  Each level reflects the highest degree offered at a member institution.

  • Level I – Associate degree
  • Level II – Baccalaureate degree
  • Level III – Master’s degree
  • Level IV – Specialist degree
  • Level V – Doctorate degree in three or fewer academic or professional disciplines
  • Level VI – Doctorate degree in four or more academic or professional disciplines

Proposal Topic Category

Choose one of the categories from the 2024 Proposal Topic Categories listing that best describes the focus of your proposed session.

To preview the proposal questions before beginning your proposal, click on Proposal Questions.

Proposal Submission Deadline: Monday, May 20, 2024 at 2 PM (eastern time)